Canada Regional Coronavirus Traffic

In this edition of Pornhub Insights, we take a look at how the Coronavirus pandemic has changed traffic across Canada including the individual provinces and top cities.

To see how traffic has changed around the world, please see our Coronavirus Traffic Update.

Traffic to Pornhub as been much higher than it was before the Coronavirus pandemic spread worldwide. The peak Canada traffic increase of 21.5% happened on March 25th after we offered Free Pornhub Premium to encourage people to say indoors and distance themselves socially.

The following chart visualizes the traffic changes in the cities of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. Vancouver had the highest traffic increase of +25% on March 25th.

Below you can find an interactive chart with traffic data for several Canadian provinces and cities. Use the “download data” link for each region if you would like to generate your own charts. We just ask that you give credit to Pornhub and link-back to this Insights post.

Please Note:You must disable your web browser’s ad-blocker in order for the interactive charts to be displayed.

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The following chart shows the average traffic change by region during the week of April 6th thru 10th, when compared to a normal traffic period before the Coronavirus pandemic.

The post Canada Regional Coronavirus Traffic appeared first on Pornhub Insights.

Source: PornHub Insigits

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