Coronavirus Update – April 2

In this third installment of Coronavirus updates, we will take a look at how Pornhub’s traffic levels have changed since our last March 25th update. We also have updates on traffic by demographic and daily Coronavirus related searches.

If you are looking for daily traffic updates, you will find a new interactive graph at the end of this post containing data for 30 countries and regions that will be updated several times each week.

Pornhub’s statisticians also released data showing Increased Video Uploads From Verified Models.

Worldwide traffic to Pornhub as been much higher than it was before the Coronavirus pandemic spread worldwide. The peak increase of 24.4% happened on March 25th after we offered Free Pornhub Premium to encourage people to say indoors and distance themselves socially.

Comparisons were made to an average traffic period in February before the pandemic. Because traffic varies depending on the day of the week, each day was compared to the same day of the week during the average period. (You can see Pornhub’s normal traffic levels as detailed in our 2019 Year in Review).

The following chart illustrates how Pornhub’s traffic began to increase sooner in Europe than other parts of the world, as the virus began to spread.

Traffic changes became noticeable much later in the United States, as it joined Europe with quarantines, social distancing and work-at-home efforts encouraged or required by most states.

Italy was the first country (outside the Asian continent) to require citizens to stay at home to prevent the spread of Coronavirus. To encourage this, Pornhub began offering Free Premium content to Italian visitors on March 12th, resulting in a 57% increase in traffic.

Daily Traffic Updates

The following interactive chart contains traffic data for 30 different countries and regions worldwide. We will update this chart with new data every few days. Use the “download data” link for each region if you would like to generate your own charts. We just ask that you give credit to Pornhub and link-back to this Insights post.

Please Note: You must disable your web browser’s ad-blocker in order for the interactive charts to be displayed.

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Too see how social distancing has caused Pornhub hourly traffic to change, please see our first Coronavirus Insights.

Demographic Traffic

The following interactive chart details how traffic has changed by both Gender and Age Groups. We will be updating this data every few days so be sure to check back for the latest numbers.

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Coronavirus Related Searches

To date there’s been more than 15 million searches containing “Corona” or “Covid”. More than 1000 Coronavirus themed videos have been uploaded to Pornhub, with many being viewed over 1 million times.

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To learn more about what countries and U.S. states are most likely to search for Coronavirus themed videos, please see our first Coronavirus Insights.

The post Coronavirus Update – April 2 appeared first on Pornhub Insights.

Source: PornHub Insigits

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